Thursday, May 26, 2011

Le Temps d'Aimer

I am not a connoisseur of fine arts. Terms, jargon and sometimes, even nuances, confuse me... I paint because I cannot survive without it.
Nonetheless I'd like to believe, that I am endowed with an inborn aesthetic sensibility that does not require formal training. Lucky me!
Large kohl-smudged eyes, vermilion smeared across her forehead, flowing wavy hair, cotton sari draping a dusky, supple, curvy body, secretly revealing a hint of mystery! Yes that is what I love, the eternal charm of flaming sensuality! Well, it’s necessary to be a lover first, a painter next.
My brush strokes glide over canvases as gently as a lover's caress. The desire to know and discover the body of a woman, as ardent and authentic as that of a flesh-and-blood lover, seeped through with every careful stroke. Days after days, girls after girls… flesh after flesh!

It’s Love You Idiot!

Words! Suddenly I fall in love with words! The brickbats came flying quite fast – Idiot! A writer like you cannot do much in the colossal world of literature!
It’s like discouraging a baby to dance who has barely learnt to walk. Nonetheless it’s true. I cannot write. My fingers cannot create magical spell on Microsoft word as they do on canvases. But here I am, like a worthless boy falling in love with a rich girl and dreaming… to be with her all my life. Overdose of aspiration I guess.
Trust me, I know you have countless rich lovers… Dukes and Princes, Kings and Knights! They will keep you happier than I ever can. They are not only rich, they are charming as well. You were never made for me. I am like that poor kid standing outside a cake shop staring at delicious cakes and pastries with anticipation that someday… someday…someday…

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Now I know…

It was a lonely afternoon, I was as usual a prisoner in my room busy with a blank canvas. There was a crow sitting outside my window trying to exchange a few words with me for quite a long time. Crows of North Kolkata are very much demanding these days. They are not happy with stealing fish from kitchen, my charcoal pencils, and even a watercolor tube from my study. Rebellions, you know. They are everywhere. They always want something extra.
I could hear the ‘trin-trin’ sound of trams rushing through the deserted roads madly under the scorching sun. There was stillness in the air. Everything seemed so dull and lifeless. It was as if the sun absorbed all the colors of life and put them on my palette. My restlessness slowly evolved as an agitation. I wanted to talk to someone. What will I draw? I’m alone. There’s no one to guide me. If now I stumble and fall down, no one is going to hold my hand…
I turned to the crow. It was patiently waiting for more than half n hour. I know what you were trying to say… I know what this is called… I know I can’t expect anyone to guide me anymore… I know I have grown up! I know I have some responsibilities. I may be 23, but I know I’m 45 inside my heart.
- “kkaw kkaw!” the crow nodded with approval and fled away. I told you, rebellions are here to change our world!

Monday, May 2, 2011

A Tribute to My Favorite Blog

Fortunately, I came across some of the best blogs on the internet. None of them are written for marketing purposes. They all carry the charm of individual personality. I believe if this was the nineteenth century, these authors would have written a large number of books and be known to the world as great writers. Well, it doesn’t matter whether they write books or not… but they are good writers! Perhaps they are wasting their talent, or probably they are not aware that they DO have a talent. This post of mine is to spread the name of one such blog author who doesn’t care about marketing. Who types, only because he has an obsession for words. Razor sharp, witty, and heroic words! He writes, because he cannot restrain the indomitable passion for writing. He writes to gratify his own self.

Blight-Rider is one such blog spreading the words of a great mind for quite a long time. Perhaps after reading this post, the author of Blight-Rider is going to pounce on me. But, I always wanted to do this. To all the people reading this post of mine, I just wanted to say… just click the link, there’s no advertisements, no Google Ads asking you to buy something, no popup windows… there are just words, mesmerizing words! A brilliant example of how every single word can be assembled together by a wizard (yes Anirban da, that’s what you are when you write) to form a hypnotic spell on his readers. So, next time you come across a simple looking blog that doesn’t carry a lot of HTML coding and eye-catching graphics to allure search engine traffic… do not close the browser instantly. Wait, look at the URL… is it

This post is a very little tribute to my most favorite blog.