Thursday, May 26, 2011

Le Temps d'Aimer

I am not a connoisseur of fine arts. Terms, jargon and sometimes, even nuances, confuse me... I paint because I cannot survive without it.
Nonetheless I'd like to believe, that I am endowed with an inborn aesthetic sensibility that does not require formal training. Lucky me!
Large kohl-smudged eyes, vermilion smeared across her forehead, flowing wavy hair, cotton sari draping a dusky, supple, curvy body, secretly revealing a hint of mystery! Yes that is what I love, the eternal charm of flaming sensuality! Well, it’s necessary to be a lover first, a painter next.
My brush strokes glide over canvases as gently as a lover's caress. The desire to know and discover the body of a woman, as ardent and authentic as that of a flesh-and-blood lover, seeped through with every careful stroke. Days after days, girls after girls… flesh after flesh!


  1. I love your emotions n romanticism. Wish u could do a portrait of mine. I wnt to feel how wd u imagine me as a model.
    BTW, this post also reveals u are a pretty complex character n a sort of playboy! Bt i guess thats ok with all the artists. Love the post, it's beautiful. BTW is it ur painting?

  2. Beautiful Ajesh...Keep it up!

  3. Thanks for such an overwhelming comment Debi. That's not my painting. It's a painting of Subrata Das. A talented artist from Kolkata.

  4. Thanks Sneha, stay tuned for more updates :)

  5. Hi Ajesh, came here through Indiblogger, u sent me a Hi mail!

    U paint so so well !!! amazing :) really loved the art... the words that doubt, you'll have more and more of girls falling for you...err ur art!

    Good work... keep it up!


  6. Hi restless...well that's a pretty odd name to call someone posting such a nice comment on my blog! I just try to's my passion that's it. Glad you liked it. I was reading your blog the other day... liked it and followed it as well. thanks again.

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